About portrait photographer Jason Guy and booking a photo shoot with him.

Luster vs Matte vs Metal Prints: The Pros and Cons of Each Option

When comparing luster vs matte vs metal prints, every option has its advantages and disadvantages for displaying your final artwork. To help you decide, I created a comparison table so you can easily compare the pros and cons of each option. Below the table, I will include photo examples and also cover every aspect of these prints in further detail so you can choose the best option for your unique circumstance.

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What Makes A Good Portrait: The 5 Elements All Great Portraits Have

There are 5 core elements that make up a good portrait: Location, lighting, composition, emotion and technical settings. When all 5 of these elements are well executed, a great portrait is created. If any of these elements comes up short, the quality of the portrait suffers. A fanatic obsession with good implementation of these elements will lead to better photos, and more consistent portraits.

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